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*Important Announcement*

*The Bible With Tina YouTube Channel*


15 Free eBooks

How was 2023?

Thanks for making it an epic year!!

Financial Support (if you are spiritually led)

Financial Support: If you are led to make a donation to support this blog as I need to pay monthly/annual fees, you can send it, (no amount is too small), to

CashApp: £1MinuteWithTina



If you wish to pay through other means, contact me. God bless.

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I aim to be the modern day Martin Luther and correct the abuse of the laity by some unscrupulous clergy people who have set about to brazenly deceive the flock of God.

On this site, you will find easy, clear and concise summaries and explanations of the Bible.

The Bible With Tina

From the Heart

Hello! Welcome to my unique blog where I share with you the saving power of Jesus Christ without any fluff.


The Bible With Tina was built out of a compassion for the sheep being led astray by their 'shepherds', who do not feed them but take, take, and take from them.


 Here, you can feed your soul for free. Come and eat, Come and drink those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness. Amen.

Happy Christmas 2023

Jesus is the reason for the season!

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I began my YouTube channel, The Bible With Tina ( back in 2018 and it began with summaries of each book of the Bible.  I have since uploaded various Christian topics.


I created this website, 'The Bible With Tina' with the goal of putting my videos & stories into easy to find sections. What started out as daily 1-Minute posts has evolved into a dynamic site packed with information about various Biblical topics that are near and dear to me.


Take some time to look around the site and see for yourself what makes you curious and eager.

If there are any topics you would like to see, do let me know.


God bless you. Tina xxx

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In Depth Market Knowledge

Outstanding Quality

Tina KYEREMATENG is a Christian who enjoys teaching people the Bible. Her aim is for everyone to know the Word of God, so they won’t be deceived by the charlatans and false pastors/prophets out there (whom Jesus warned about). 

She encourages people to search Scriptures for themselves and does an annual Bible read thru’. 

She is married to Matthew, an ordained pastor. They attend the Word of Christ Church which currently meets at Our Lady’s Catholic High School, 6-16 Amhurst Park, London N16 5AF on Sundays, 11:30-1:45p.m. 

She has a BA (Hons) in Kingdom Theology acquired from the Westminster Theological Centre, accredited by the University of Chester. 

She also studied Contemporary Chaplaincy with Waverley Abbey College. She works as an administrator with the NHS. 


You can rent a space (at a cheap fee) to advertise your Christian/Biblical services.


Provide your information and what you want to advertise and I will get back to you.

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